English Classes,Which Classes Dominate others?

downloadWhen choosing English classes there are five main classes to choose from. These classes include Composition/Writing, Literature, Creative Writing, Techincal Writing, and Rhetoric and Writing. Many people have opinions on which ones carry more weight in the real world opposed to their counterparts. I  think that Technical Writing and Creative Writing are the most important classes. Furthermore, Technical Writing teaches you how to write things for the professional world. Technical writing is very important when it comes to maintaining communication in the professional world. It helps eliminate slang in professional settings. Technical writing also explores presentations which many people need in their careers. In addition, Creative Writing teaches you how to write literature.  Creative writing sharpens the mind by giving the imagination tools to paint what lies below the surface. Many may argue that they won’t use it in their major but it broadens your horizon by exploring writing in different means besides the traditional essay. Exploring different means of writing it opens up your job opportunity by making you well rounded in writing. Lastly, Technical Writing and Creative Writing are on two completely separate plains. By exploring these two separate plains it will broaden your horizons in many different directions.

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